“On June 12, 2566, Dr. Nuttawatthanapon Ratchasiriwetchabun, the President of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, presided over the launch of the project ‘Developing Cross-Cultural English Communication Skills in the Digital Age.’ The event took place at the Chalermrajathanee Hall, Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology Center. This initiative, organized by the Language Institute of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, aimed to equip students and university staff with knowledge and experience to enhance cross-cultural communication skills in daily life and online communication for personal development.
The event featured guest speaker Assoc. Prof. Dr. Singhana Nomenian, a faculty member of the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia at Mahidol University. The training covered topics such as Self-Introduction/Ice-Breaking Activities, Concepts of Intercultural Communication (ICC), ICC in the digital era, and Activities and Presentations related to ICC in the digital era.”